What a gorgeous first day of vacation!  I just recently took a new job and start next week.  Friday was my last day with my olf company and I am ready for some rest and relaxation.  I am a little nervous about what this new position will entail, but I am exicted to move in a new career direction more closely related to my field of study.  In the meantime I plan on enjoying every last minute of this week off!
Today I slept in, read some of Cathching Fire (an Easter present from the BF) and made myself a sweet breakfast including oatmeal with coconut milk and a spoonful of Trader Joe's Cocoa Almond Spread.  If you haven't tried it yet, you have to!  It makes everything taste like a little dessert. :)
Breakfast Smoothie:
1 cup of Coconut milk
1/2 a frozen banana
3/4 cup of pineapple
1 large leaf of kale
splash of water

I love this smoothie!  I usually make my morning smoothie with an apple instead of pineapple, but this version tastes just like a pina colada.  (Might have to try it with a little rum before my vacation ends!) 
I'm off to scour the internet for an at home workout before heading out to hit the grocery store.

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    April 2012


    Bikini Boot Camp
    Breakfast Smoothie
    Circuit Workout