So fresh and so clean clean! My chompers are looking pretty good today, but I do have to go back for a filing in a couple weeks (d'oh!)
This is what dinner looked like last night:
Mexican night! Cilantro quinoa, tri-bean blend, homemade salsa, and homemade guacamole.

Last night after dinner, we headed off to L.A. Fitness to get a circuit workout in.  We tackled a 35 minute circuit workout that included 60 seconds of each of the following (30 second rests);
-jogging in place
-mountain climbers with the Bosu
-running on the bosu
-spider push ups with the Bosu
-jumping jacks
-skull crushers/ 1 dumbbell
-jumping rope
-curls using 2 dumbbells
-sit ups with the Bosu and a medicine ball (Bouncy side up, sit up-stand -raise the ball to the ceiling-repeat
-30 second plank
-ab work (feet off the ground, rotate side to side with a medicine ball
-jumping jacks
-alternating lunges using the Bosu and medicine ball (secure the Bosu against a wall)
-burpees with the Bosu (Hands on the flat side)
-jogging in place
-squats with a medicine ball
-jumping jacks
-reverse lunges using the bosu
-skull crushers/1 dumbbell
-30 second plank
-jumping jacks
-burpees with the Bosu
This workout was enough to get us both sweating!  After the circuit, we finished off the night with 20 minutes of spinning.  We finally got home around 9:00pm and spent the rest of  the night reading the Hunger Games Trilogy (me 2, Rob 3.)

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    April 2012


    Bikini Boot Camp
    Breakfast Smoothie
    Circuit Workout