First official "Sweat it out Saturday"
It is a beautiful day in Michigan, and I'm excited to get outside and break a sweat.  I tried to stop by L.A. fitness this morning to catch a Spinning class, but I may have been running a little behind (rolled out of bed 2min. before the class started) and didn't get a pass to the class.  Anyone else have to get passes to take classes these days?  I think out gym needs to add another Saturday morning class!  I was still able to get a great workout in that in included the following;
Treadmill Intervals:
Min 1-5, speed: 4.2, incline 7.0
Min 5-12, speed: 6.5, incline 0.o
Min 12-20, HIIT 30 seconds 10.0, followed by 15 seconds of rest
Min 20-22, cool down speed: 3.8

The HIIT intervals were killer today, I was beat after the first few.  After my treadmill workout I used my favorite piece of gym equipments, the Bosu, to complete a 30 minute circuit (I'll add the details soon to the fitness page.)

I'm off to eat this banging breakfast before getting outside to enjoy the sun!




    April 2012


    Bikini Boot Camp
    Breakfast Smoothie
    Circuit Workout